Thank You All!

Sunday, April 8, 2007
Thank You all for the various responses.
I never thought that writing just a few (6 to be precise) blog posts would make this blog appear in the top 10 search results in google (that is when given the correct key words)

Right now I have one open question:
"How to decrese the file size of the published SWF of the Adobe Captivate project", To be frank, even I dont know the correct solution, so I recommend you to post it on the Adobe Captivate forum, may be someone there would have a better solution, but here are a few tips which I can tell:

1. Break your entire simulations in parts (MAX 40-45 slides) and use your flash knowledge OR menu builder to link them all together.
2. turn off the 'accessibility' (from the preferences). Though it doesnt affect much, but it sure doesn't include un-necessary information in the SWF
3. Try to keep the resolution of your project smaller. (If recording full screen is a must, then reduce your screen resolution before doing so)
4. If you can sacrifice little bit on the quality, then change the 'quality' settings from the 'slide properties' dialog (use the 'apply to all' feature of Adobe Captivate 2 to apply to all the slides).

I Hope this will surely help reduce the size a little bit. These are a few things I do. If someone has a better solution, please feel free to write a comment.

Once again, thank you all, and keep visiting this page for updates !

Best regards and wishes,
- Dexterous


  • Mark S

    Thanks for the great blog/tips you have!

    In regards to your questions about file size: I have some tips on reducing file size of Captivate-generated swf's on my blog at:

    Although, admittedly, I think even with all of the tricks in the world, these Captivate-generated swf's are way too bloated.


  • Rajdeep Gupta

    I have run into this problem as well. It may be because in the original project, it saves all the multiple actions of yours (save, undo, edit, import etc).But I have found a solution/workaround.
    #1 Open another instance of Captivate
    #2 Create a blank project
    #3 Then in my original HUGE captivate select all the slides in the project (Ctrl + A)
    #4 Copy (Ctrl + C)
    #4 Paste the slides in the blank project I just created (Ctrl + V).
    #5 Save the new project with a different name.

    File size is substantially decreased

    Hope this helps!

  • Omid e Toraby e Daryasary

    Thanks for the great blog and your updates ! My last visit was 8 month ago (I think) . I`m happy that see your blog template is changed for Captivate 3 .
    Many thanks :)

  • bnjdesign

    Will you be adding any new blogs about Captivate any time soon? This has helped a lot. Very glad I stumbled upon it!
